Monday, July 24, 2017

2017 Motorcycle Adventure to Alaska (Day twenty four)

I woke to the sounds of the trucks going by on the nearby highway and the wind shaking the camper. The sun was out and it looked like the perfect morning. The wind was very strong and blowing in a southerly direction so that meant a nice easy ride with the wind at my back.
Not being in any particular hurry I walked to the shower and bathroom building for some personal grooming. When I was done and opened the door to leave the whole picture had changed. The sky was dark and I could see rain clouds descending on me from the north. It was time for a new plan. Instead of the relaxed breakfast I had planned I leapt into action and packed up and hit Tim Horton's for breakfast. I hate packing up a soaking wet camper tent.
The wind was ferocious which made for some tricky riding whenever it shifted directions. At times it was so strong I had to actually lean into the wind when going down a straight highway. It must look strange from behind.
I reached Regina by noon and found a McDonald's so I could use their wifi to post my blog. I had a quick Greek salad and was back on the bike headed east toward Brandon. Manitoba.
My friend Wendy has challenged me to take an award winning photo of the Canola fields with a dramatic sky in the background. All day I kept an eye out for that perfect shot but to no avail.
As I rode further east once again it looked like I was headed straight into a big storm. I got a few drops of rain on my face shield but the storm moved off to the north and bypassed me all together.
The day was somewhat uneventful, just a lot of riding through the plains surrounded by seemingly endless acres of Canola, hay and corn.
I lost another hour as I crossed into Manitoba so now I'm only one hour behind home time.
I did a search for campgrounds in Brandon, Manitoba and Meadowlark RV Park came up. This place was one that I had stopped at back in 2014. I remember it well because after paying for my site I rode to it, parked the bike, took off my helmet and was immediately swarmed by mosquitoes. I went back to the office, asked for a refund and rode across the street and booked a room at a hotel. Meadowlark RV Park still had all my records on their computer. Fortunately no mozzies this time.
I rode to Safeway and picked up some groceries and cooked up a delicious shrimp over brown rice dinner along with a refreshing V&T. It's extremely hot and humid here so I'm really hoping it cools off later so I can get some well deserved sleep.
I'm not sure about tomorrow. I may just ride a few hours and stay in Winnipeg but I will decide then.

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